
I am a writer, an aspiring singer tortured by my lack of competence at an instrument, a lover of nature, a delighter in human nature, a curious question asker, a book reader, and a watcher of shows that don’t make me anxious or where people aren’t horrible to each other. What to say what to say, I have many fine qualities but I am also impatient and very sensitive, bit more of an introvert. I like backpacking and I like drinking tea in the mountains, baptizing myself in rivers and oceans and lakes at inopportune times. I like learning how to do things, building things, etc.

5 responses to “About”

  1. D. Proulx Avatar
    D. Proulx

    In our future I see golden afternoons, the feel of clean cool sheets on skin, the smell of wet hair, laughing, chases, finding a lovely scarf, your favorite flowers, understanding, discoveries, realizations, the varied flavors of food, and truth.

    I love that I can see your picture.

  2. Leonardo Rossi Avatar
    Leonardo Rossi

    “Ma vie future, c’est ton visage quand tu dors” (René Char)
    I need some time to savour your words and find mines in a correct english, but in the meanwhile grazie!
    (a close distant friend of Leah)

  3. T Avatar

    I love your blog! Today I recieved your latest and on such a cold snowy evening, I took comfort in the poetic honesty of your words and experience. I too have suffered loss and in a time when its cold, dark and the city screams with sirens, I find my solace in friendships that are warm and true. Your blog helped me feel I am not alone in some of the ways that I have felt although life for all of us is so utterly unique. Thank you for sharing and writing so beautifully…its inspiring and so very good to the positivity shining through.

    1. dashielledavenportvawter Avatar

      Ah well, you are not alone ever! But it is beautiful to know that these words can touch you in this way, thank you so much for letting me know. Take care of yourself out there in the snow and cold, don’t let it touch your heart 🙂

  4. jaguar / sak balam Avatar
    jaguar / sak balam

    the invitation has been following me for several years, someone read it to our class of 235 yogi’s in bikram teacher training. i love the line about standing in the fyre… it’s one of the closest metaphors for me & my life (in my mind anyways…) 🙂
    in lak’ech

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